Public Exhibition: Draft Blue Mountains Crime Prevention Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Town Centre Photos

This public exhibition has concluded. Your participation and feedback is appreciated.

The draft Blue Mountains Crime Prevention Plan (CPP) is on public exhibition for review and comment. The draft CPP focuses on the reduction of malicious damage including incidents of graffiti within Blue Mountains Local Government Area.

The draft CPP has been developed in accordance with the Attorney General's Department’s guidelines for developing a ‘Crime Prevention Strategy’ and in consultation with key stakeholders. The CPP identifies roles and responsibilities of Council and other stakeholders and outlines an Action Plan to reduce the incidents of malicious damage in the Blue Mountains.

Have Your Say

The draft CPP is on exhibition between 12 February and 14 March 2014, with submissions closing Friday 28 March 2014. Throughout the exhibition:

1. You can view the draft CPP and background information via:

  • Downloads from this website;
  • Council’s corporate website;
  • Council’s Blaxland, Springwood, Lawson, Wentworth Falls, Katoomba and Blackheath libraries; or
  • At Council’s office in Katoomba (8:30am to 5pm) Monday to Friday.

2. You can contribute by:
Making a submission through this website or by written submission:

  • Posted to Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780;
  • Delivered to Katoomba or Springwood Council office; or
  • Email to
  • Fax to (02) 4780 5555

    Note: written submissions should be marked F03242. Submissions may be used publicly.

The closing date for submissions is Friday 28 March 2014.

3. You can ask questions:
Via the Q&A tab on this website. (Please note that questions on this Q&A are not regarded as a formal submission. This is simply an opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification).

Privacy Statement

Before preparing your submission please read the privacy statement on Council's website. If you have any questions, please contact Council's Privacy Officer on (02) 4780 5000. Other information can be obtained from Privacy NSW.

Town Centre Photos

This public exhibition has concluded. Your participation and feedback is appreciated.

The draft Blue Mountains Crime Prevention Plan (CPP) is on public exhibition for review and comment. The draft CPP focuses on the reduction of malicious damage including incidents of graffiti within Blue Mountains Local Government Area.

The draft CPP has been developed in accordance with the Attorney General's Department’s guidelines for developing a ‘Crime Prevention Strategy’ and in consultation with key stakeholders. The CPP identifies roles and responsibilities of Council and other stakeholders and outlines an Action Plan to reduce the incidents of malicious damage in the Blue Mountains.

Have Your Say

The draft CPP is on exhibition between 12 February and 14 March 2014, with submissions closing Friday 28 March 2014. Throughout the exhibition:

1. You can view the draft CPP and background information via:

  • Downloads from this website;
  • Council’s corporate website;
  • Council’s Blaxland, Springwood, Lawson, Wentworth Falls, Katoomba and Blackheath libraries; or
  • At Council’s office in Katoomba (8:30am to 5pm) Monday to Friday.

2. You can contribute by:
Making a submission through this website or by written submission:

  • Posted to Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780;
  • Delivered to Katoomba or Springwood Council office; or
  • Email to
  • Fax to (02) 4780 5555

    Note: written submissions should be marked F03242. Submissions may be used publicly.

The closing date for submissions is Friday 28 March 2014.

3. You can ask questions:
Via the Q&A tab on this website. (Please note that questions on this Q&A are not regarded as a formal submission. This is simply an opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification).

Privacy Statement

Before preparing your submission please read the privacy statement on Council's website. If you have any questions, please contact Council's Privacy Officer on (02) 4780 5000. Other information can be obtained from Privacy NSW.

Consultation has concluded
  • About the Draft Crime Prevention Plan

    Share About the Draft Crime Prevention Plan on Facebook Share About the Draft Crime Prevention Plan on Twitter Share About the Draft Crime Prevention Plan on Linkedin Email About the Draft Crime Prevention Plan link

    The key focus of the draft CPP can be summarised as follows:

    • The draft CPP focuses on Malicious Damage (including vandalism and graffiti) which is the Local Government Area’s major crime priority;
    • Given graffiti is a major component of our malicious damage, Council’s 2010 Graffiti Management Plan (GMP) actions have been transferred into the draft CPP. Once the CPP is adopted the GMP will be superseded;
    • The actions within the draft CPP will not create additional workloads for Council staff given they have already been adopted in the GMP; and
    • The draft CPP has been developed in close consultation with Blue Mountains Local Area Command and is supported by statistical evidence and reflects best practice.

    There are two key project areas, being the Malicious Damage Reduction Initiative and the Graffiti Reduction Initiative, with a total of 18 actions in the draft CPP. These actions are largely to be implemented cooperatively between Council, NSW Police and the Blue Mountains Community.